The Age of the Soul
Human-Age Judgments are Overrated.
When people ask me how old I am, I often ask for clarification. We’ve all heard the saying that “age is just a number”. When people ask for your age, there’s an energy behind that question that yearns to know more, often bringing up the questioner’s levels of attachment as they process new information (the new information being you.) “How old are you?” can be a simple way of someone really asking or saying:
· “Who are you, really?”
· “What have you experienced?”
· “How do you see the world?”
· “What lessons have you already learned as you’ve co-created with life?”
· “Can I emotionally connect with you?”
· “Do we have anything in common?”
· “Are we compatible enough to have a deeper conversation?”
· “Tell me your age, so I can label you and make assumptions.”
As always, there are various perspectives here. Sometimes, people are genuinely just asking for your age as a form of small talk and there’s really no deeper meaning behind it. However, looking through the spiritual and multi-faceted perspective of life that Within the Journey focuses on, I’d like encourage you to see another point of view. What if we chose to look into the energetic exchange going on behind every encounter, interaction and experience? There’s always a possibility of there being multiple deeper layers to consider. Plus, it keeps life interesting!
When people ask me how old I am, I often respond by asking “do you mean humanly, or spiritually?”. (Come to think of it, posing that clarifying question in itself already gives you a lot of insight into who I am, answering most of the bullet points listed above. Go figure! )
Consider the fact that you never really know what a person’s true “age” is until you begin to “Avatar-see” people. (No sir, I am not sponsored by James Cameron, the director of the movie Avatar.) Until you begin to connect with people on a soul level- genuinely, intimately and without an agenda or desire to make assumptions- it can be easy to make judgments about a person based on how old you perceive them to be at first glance.
Photography: Garth Joseph, Instagram @oneteamnodream
Someone’s human age, or the amount of birthdays they’ve celebrated, does not define who they are, what they are (or aren’t) capable of or how they see the world. The same goes for experiences and all other differences among us. When you meet someone, who is in a different age bracket than you, stay open to listening. Stay open to connecting and really getting to know their deeper layers of authentic truth, if it feels aligned vibrationally. There’s a lot more to a person than what meets the eye, wrinkles or lack there-of.
Our subconscious mind can’t help it – it has a habit of putting things, people and experiences into boxes in an attempt to make sense of the world by associating “similar” things to derive a conclusion based on statistics. Immediate application of this subconscious habit when learning a new language? Phenomenal skill!
Immediate application of this subconscious skill when learning about a new person? Eh, debatably helpful.
What you do have power over, though, is navigating the conscious mind. You can monitor its choices to either accept or kindly decline input coming in from these subconscious assumptions being made in an attempt to (let’s just call a spade, a spade here) judge someone strictly based on their age.
If we all collectively decided to begin “Avatar-seeing” people, to see beyond and accept all differences of age, background, color, culture, religion, interests, language, perspective….anything really - we’d all be living a different kind of reality. Comparison, as my mentor would always remind me of as being the ultimate thief of joy, would begin to be obsolete. We would stop comparing and just start being.
Comparison is alive and well in our society. It permeates through the air we breath, the conversations we have, the social media platforms we scroll through. If you stop for a moment and observe, you see the older generations trying to look “younger”. You see the younger generations trying to look “older”. The ultimate example of the side effects to drinking the poison of comparison – and the complete opposite of just being.
Perhaps we see this pattern in society because what we’re all really craving is to be “Avatar-seen”, instead of judged. Remember that the next time you meet someone in a different stage of life than you.
The soul age of a person is what holds the true essence of the individual that stands before you. Past-life lessons hold a wisdom that alter the energy of a person in a way that can’t quite be explained. Everyone has something to offer, regardless of their human age. We have just as much to learn from the youngest of children as they do from us -we just have to be willing to surrender. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear….at any age. Be humble with your age wisdom, because the ultimate wisdom is knowing that you’ll always be a student of life.
In Love and Light,
PS: At present, I am 31 human years old, energetically 12 years quirky and spiritually…I’ve lost count, but I’m proud of my slowly forming wrinkles to finally catch up!