The Placebo Effect

What If You Willingly Surrendered?

 The purpose of the Within the Journey blog is to promote and provoke thinking that is self-generated, inspired by questions that push boundaries. Question the norms of society. Think outside of the box from expectations projected by outside influence. Daydream about the possibilities of the life you can create without limitation. Surpass the glass ceiling you’ve created for yourself because of fear. Grow a stronger trust with your instincts. Commit to your authentic truth, and be proud of it. Connect more deeply and vulnerably with others by sharing your story. Cultivate a mindset that receives life as an opportunity for endless growth.

With all of that said, I’ve had people ask me some pretty blunt questions:

·      How can you possibly prove that the power of manifestation is even real?

·      What if all of this universal co-creation is all just a lie?

·      What if you’ve wasted all of this time believing in something that will ultimately get you nowhere?

·      What if none of what you believe in is actually true, Katherine?

I’ve come to find that when you begin to express your authentic nature into the world, and are open to sharing your perspective of life without expectation or fear, life will reciprocate by sending equally honest-to-themselves people.

Life is always reflecting back unto you what is going on internally. If you are afraid to speak your truth, you’ll attract others who are afraid to be themselves. If you express your opinion with an expectation to compete and “win” an argument, you’ll energetically attract more experiences of emotional conflict with like-intentioned people.

However, when you begin to walk on this earth being open minded to the ideas of others, but grounded in your own truths without getting defensive, or allowing yourself to feel shame for believing in what you do, magic happens. You begin to unravel the different realities that are all playing out side-by-side at the same time, in the same place. You’ll begin to approach different perspectives of life with a playful curiosity, instead of judgment. And people will feel that.

It is the most expansive feeling to have conversations like these, the ones that push boundaries in a safe space without any ultimatum or judgment. In order to attract that, however, you must develop a mutual respect with people by allowing everyone to be themselves. You must learn where you end, and another person begins energetically – whilst also being open minded, receptive and emotionally detached from expectation.

Photography: Garth Joseph, Instagram @oneteamnodream

The fact is that I cannot “prove” manifestation is real because everyone has a different measuring stick of what would be considered “valid proof”.  It is also not my intention to prove anything.  I simply express thoughts and ideas to encourage thinking. If someone interprets that as me trying to prove something, so mote it be.


If the idea of universal co-creation seems like bullshit to you, then you have the free will to not believe in it. It’s not for everyone. I can only speak from my own personal experiences of life – just as you can only speak from yours. In my experience, I can feel a truth behind it, and that’s enough for me. I live in blind eternal faith. Logically speaking, it really does sound like bullshit though, doesn’t it?


I don’t believe time is wasted if you’ve learned something from a path you’ve chosen to walk down. That’s the mindset I’ve cultivated through doing the spiritual work that promotes growth and expansion. Perhaps for someone else, the path could be walked for a different purpose with intention of an “end game”. That’s not my reality either. There is no clear end-game here. As clique as it sounds, it really is all about learning to appreciate the journey, not just the destination.

I’ve sat with the last question for a while and really asked myself, “Katherine, really, what if none of what you believe in is actually true?”.

 When I tuned into my body, I immediately felt a deep void and sadness. It felt like a darkness that I couldn’t escape. I felt suffocated and depressed as soon as I stepped into the role of someone who doesn’t believe in divine synchronicities, guardian angels or spirit guides.  There really is no evidence – there is no proof. There is no logical explanation. There is no road map to manifest or co-create with life “correctly” to unlock the feeling of magic, as I’ve experienced.  What if we really are just here to survive - and the playful inner child, magic, fairies, manifestation, empathic connections, mediumship, intuition, crystal energy, universal nudges, dejia vu, spirit guide messages, etc. are all just make-believe and I’m living in a fantasy world?


Sad day, my people. Sad day indeed.


I made a decision in that moment. If none of what I and others believe in is actually true, so be it. I’ve accepted the fact that it very well may be that I’m living in a fantasy perspective of life. I surrender to that potential truth, because truly, there is no evidence.

But I believe, with every molecule in my body, that we are not here to live in sadness, fear, self-doubt and darkness. I believe life offers enough suffering – and that we have the divine power to choose to find joy in even the smallest of things. Why? Because it feels good. It feels inspiring. It feels like that’s what living life is truly about…holding onto the light and believing in love.

I actively surrender to the placebo effect. It has no power over me - I’ve chosen to live in this reality because it feels authentic and brings joy into life. It allows me to unfold and expand in ways that bring internal peace. It opens up opportunities to connect with others more intimately and to be vulnerable. It brings respect and value to seeing life through the eyes of others. It honors the playful inner child that each of us has the ability to connect with. The commitment to this path allows for unconditional love to be believed, received and outpoured unto others for the purpose of healing. It brings me joy to walk with confidence in my own skin and embody self-love in my own unique way. It brings a deeper meaning to life itself. That’s why I surrender, even if it is a placebo effect.

What if you completely surrendered yourself to the idea of giving into the placebo effect too?

In Love and Light,



The Age of the Soul