2022: A Year of Radical Discoveries
Lessons Learned. Truths Unveiled. Reflections Integrated.
Soul expansion requires reflection. In order to continue unraveling the multi-dimensional being that is you, in order to come closer to your authentic truth, you must be willing to step back from life itself and see its trajectory through the eyes of source. Without self-judgement. Without expectation.
Unknowingly, some use this time to reflect on the past to beat themselves up- repeating toxic patterns of behavior while continuing to make choices that weave the fabric of their future emanating scarcity, fear and regret. Just as all things in life, there is darkness and light. Within this contrast, we have the ability to diffuse our emotional response to events in life that occur for the purpose of learning, growing and expanding.
This past year has unveiled repeating patterns, both light and dark, individually and collectively on the planet. Upon reflection, the path of least resistance had always whispered its gentle guidance when faced with emotional conflict and obstacles throughout the year. Sometimes I heeded the warning, other times I allowed the ego to ignore its nudge, paralyzed by fear. (Ehhh, I can be stubborn with spiritual guidance too when it’s not what I want to hear! ::shrugs shoulders::) Abundance had gradually revealed itself through unexpected sources, as I focused on the subconscious mind to become more and more willing to receive copiousness in various forms and the ego to gradually relinquished control. Rarely did these sources of abundance come in expected ways - keeping me blinded for half the year from seeing their value. It can be difficult to notice what’s transforming and growing around you when you have blinders on, expecting that “growth” to manifest itself in only one way.
I have discovered, over this past year, that I am still in the process of rewriting the story of life. Rewriting limiting beliefs that have created doubts, leaving me feeling incapable of fulfilling my purpose here. So many times, I had wanted to give up because I couldn’t figure out all of the answers, and guess what ladies and gentlemen? I still don’t have them. The further I walked along the path of self-re-discovery by surrendering to the unknown, the more confused I became. I purposely walked away from the familiar, to walk towards the uncomfortable feeling of not knowing. At one point, I couldn’t distinguish reality from fiction, in both the external and internal worlds.
As chaotic as all of that sounds, it’s actually a blessing. Ironically, I’ve come closer to my truth in doing so. I’ve come to recognize all of the masks I’ve been wearing, all of the worn-out roles I’ve been playing. Through all of the confusion, I’ve come closer to being at peace, at least spiritually, by being forced to trust the process.
Photography Credit: Garth Joseph @oneteamnodream
Among the confusion that occurs along the journey of transformation (it’s inevitable), there is always a light. This light manifests as the lessons and morals each of us can learn through our unique life experiences as we mingle in new places with new faces. Connecting vulnerably with others has helped to deepen these reflections. These are the collective and personal lessons this 2022 year has shed light on:
➵ Fear is a misunderstood emotion. The energetic frequency of fear is often associated with a fight, flight, freeze of fawn response. However, the frequency of fear can also be transformed into potent creative energy for the purpose of metamorphosis. Fear does not define you; you define how you choose to respond to its presence.
➵ “I don’t know” is a powerful statement of surrender when you are truly content with not having all of the answers. In accepting the fact that life exists in a state of unknowns, you signal to the universe that you are willing to surrender the ego to relinquish control in order to co-create with life itself in unexpected ways. You’re not meant to know all of the answers.
➵ It is more than okay to not be okay. My younger self had mastered the mask of always being okay, believing that my value and self-worth was dependent upon how “put together” I can be in any situation. But just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should.
➵ Opportunities and solutions from unexpected sources reveal themselves when you consciously begin to make decisions that align with the path of least resistance, speeding up the process of healing and manifestation. Be mindful of subconscious belief systems anchored in fear of losing control that will question every opportunity, keeping you on the path of greater resistance, thereby repeating cycles of toxicity. If you keep waiting for “the other shoe to drop” when something good happens, it will. In the meantime, while you’re waiting, you’ll miss out on all of the good stuff.
➵ Life is not, and never will be, linear. Sometimes, intuition will guide you seemingly “backwards” in order to propel you forward exponentially as you continue to take steps as your more-empowered self with a new perspective. During these times, choosing to focus on growing your faith in source, whatever form that takes or does not take for you, will help to see the silver lining on those dark days we all experience. You come to find that the shadows come up not for the purpose of crippling you, but to be acknowledged, accepted and transformed in order to connect more fully with every aspect of yourself and others. This process is part of the collective consciousness that unites us all on this planet.
·➵ On a personal level: Anger is my kryptonite, and I have a feeling that I’m not alone in this. I’ve come to believe that I am “not allowed” to feel this emotion because it can be destructive. My inner child has hidden this emotion away from my adult self, believing that she needs to continue to protect herself from angers’ wrath because it could completely consume her. Pretending something isn’t there doesn’t make it go away. On the contrary, it holds us back from expressing our full potential. Which emotion has been your greatest kryptonite holding you back from courageously taking steps forward this past year?
➵ Putting people on a pedestal takes away the grace and space for others to be human and make mistakes, just like you. Taking off the rose-colored glasses can seem intimidating because the emotions that follow-suite are often powerful and overwhelming. It completely dismantles and shatters the delusional reality you’ve created to shelter yourself in a false sense of safety. It forces you start again, anew.
In reference to the famous movie scene from the The Matrix, have you chosen to take the Red Pill or Blue Pill this past year? Both real and fictional life continues to move forward, with or without you. Take time out before this 2022 year comes to an end to celebrate how far you’ve come. Celebrate even the small wins, because they matter. Celebrate the mis-steps, because they matter too. If you’ve made mistakes, celebrate the fact that you were willing to take steps forward and try something new. Failure is success in disguise. Even the courageous feel fear; the difference is that the fear doesn’t dictate their actions, or paralyze them into inaction.
So many of us are afraid to make a decision that will require change. Afraid to take steps forward. Afraid to commit to a direction, in fear that it might be the “wrong” choice. The only “wrong” choice is staying in limbo, because even then a decision has already been made without your active participation. In choosing not to decide, you’ve already made a choice to keep things exactly as they are.
Will this 2023 year begin by taking the Red Pill or Blue Pill this time around? The choice is, and always has been, yours.
Wishing you an expansive new year, enjoyment along the journey and a lifetime of learning! Cheers!
In Love and Light,
➵ Katherine