Priming for Spiritual Ascension
The journey of spiritual expansion and ascension is much like creating any form of artwork. It would be counterproductive to begin painting a personal mural or of one depicting various paths that may or may not lead to your personal ascension without first priming the walls. Surrendering to your intuitive guidance system, in any given moment, is key here. That’s how each seemingly unrelated brush stroke becomes filled with magic, as you surrender to allow the masterpiece that is your spiritual journey to become recognizable. Using your mind to rationalize which tool(s), brushes and colors to create with (in an effort to attain spiritual ascension) seems rather illogical, doesn’t it? Prime your walls first.
· You’re not supposed to know the answers or what your mural masterpiece will turn out to be. You’re not supposed to do anything. Be guided to do everything.
· Be prepared to feel uncomfortable with not knowing what the hell is going on most of the time. You have the power to transform your fear into excitement. That’s where the creative energy comes from.
· Think of your logic as a sculptor. Very precise, planned out and detail oriented. Expect that your logic will give opinions, directions and input as a fellow trusted creative. However, remember that sculpting tools are used to create something vastly different from a mural. Be open to hearing what the sculptor has to say, but only when your third eye is open.
· This is not a competition between you or anyone else. It’s not even meant to be a competition between the sculptor and the muralist. You’re both highly respected artists in the field of creating masterpieces. You just have different approaches. That’s it. Approaching this as a competition dilutes the magic within your brush strokes.
· Approach your spiritual ascension artwork, the masterpiece that is life, when you are in a playful, open and creative state of mind. If you feel your body and/or mind are tense, focus your attention elsewhere and come back when your intuition guides you to.
· Be patient and compassionate with yourself, and with spirit.
· Surrender. You’re not meant to be completely in control! You select the tools, the brushes, the paint and the intention-but (your) spirit is the one that flows creative energy through you.
· Not everyone is going to understand your art work. It may not even be considered art to some people. Don’t let the noise affect you. This is not about seeking validation or wanting to “prove” self-worth to anyone outside of yourself. It’s not even about proving it to yourself. It’s about surrendering and being fully present in the creative state. If you’re feeling this type of desperation for wanting to be seen by yourself or others – step back. Reevaluate your intentions for spiritual ascension. Are you feeling in alignment with your source self?
· Expect to feel exposed, naked and judged. That’s the whole point. We have a desire to embark on a journey of spiritual ascension when our soul is ready to let go of the human grasp and desperation for a feeling of love, safety and belonging. Nothing outside of you will ever fully fill your cup of basic human needs with a human approach. Ironic, isn’t it?
Photography by Garth Joseph @ oneteamnodream
Creating a spiritually meaningful life masterpiece requires your complete dedication and commitment to expansion. It can be intimidating to even begin sometimes, but remember that the creative flow within itself has magical healing powers that transform your fear, pain and hidden shadows into inspiration. In committing to your spiritual ascension, you light the way for others to begin to see and discover their authentic truth too. It’s a whole different world over here. Would you like to join me? You’re never truly alone. Remember that!
Sending infinite love and light along your journey. <3