Making Sense of Contradiction
Experiencing contradictions within ourselves and in life can be confusing. Our minds try to make logical sense of it, but facts tell opposing stories of alternate realities. We set off on a mission to determine which reality is “correct”, and in doing so, energetically become even more scattered than when we first began the mission. We convince ourselves we’re setting off on a path to spiritual expansion by trying to find a concrete answer, when in reality, the mission itself is motivated by human ego. It’s natural. Once a child hits a certain age, he or she begins to try and make sense of the world in any way that it can using all five senses. The desire to make sense of things? That’s a beautiful part of our humanity. You always have the choice to make sense of contradiction (or allow sense to come to you) using a human, spiritual or combined approach. I’m here to offer the latter perspective, subjectively. It’s not right. It’s not wrong. Take from it what you resonate (or don’t) with.
Through a spiritual lens, it’s not about making sense of anything. You could rationally and energetically choose to find evidence of either reality when setting off on a journey to determine a “winner” in the contest of proving a correct side in contradiction. Step back and reassess. How much contradiction do you experience on a regular basis? Take that question a step even further. Flip it. How much existing contradiction do you allow yourself to be aware of in any given moment?
The awareness itself of contradiction is an embodiment of spiritual expansion. It means your soul is embracing its capacity to stand on a cross bridge, able to empathize and see through the eyes of both realities that are existing side by side. Take the phrase “cross bridge”, for example. I googled it. Cross-bridge comes up as a term used to describe a type of muscular contraction. (I had no idea. I learned something new!) If I’ve never heard of it, does it make it wrong? In the context of this post, I am referring to a bridge that crosses and connects two bodies of land. Both definitions live and breathe truth - it all just depends on the context though which you are using the term. The cross bridge (which crosses two bodies of land) you are standing on in this context is meant to be a representation of your humanity and spirituality working together, instead of against one another.
Spirit (your spirit) is embedded within both truths, working its magic by simply just being present within these realities simultaneously.
It is humbling to be in that space of spiritual awareness. It makes us realize that reality is what we choose to make of it. It also becomes the healer (and the path to embracing) the part that is the human ego that is always trying to prove something. Trying to win. Trying to be right. Trying to prove that it has value because ego knows it has no place in a spiritual reality. Ego does not know that one side is not better than the other, or that both can exist simultaneously and of equal value. Of course, the human ego is going to put up a damn good fight to survive. Wouldn’t you, if it was your life you were fighting to keep? Notice that awareness in being able to see through the human egos’ lens of reality. You just expanded and became aware of another cross bridge that existed this entire time, but perhaps you were too subconsciously busy picking a side, believing that you have to.
In order to make sense of contradiction, you must be willing to let go of the mission itself to find an answer. Not the answer you wanted to hear, is it? That’s your ego getting defensive, fueled by the accepted fact that it interprets that your spirit is an enemy. Take accountability. You did that. That awareness can be both frightening and empowering at the same time. Another contradiction, exposed.
The relationship you’ve fostered between your human ego and spirit was parented by you, whether it was intentional or unintentional.
This post is not about proving a point. It’s not about playing the blame game with others, or with yourself. It offers a different perspective. Compassionately, take accountability for the fact that you’ve either consciously or subconsciously raised two children to believe they are not on the same team. They may be expressing and approaching life differently, but they can be meant to work together, if you so choose to live in that reality. They’ve simply become blinded by their differences and in making logical assumptions about one other, their relationship has drifted into defensiveness. Keeping you further from spiritual expansion. You have fostered that relationship.
The beauty in that is the fact that if you brought that relationship into existence, it means you also have the power to foster a new one, in their divine timing this time. Simply put, the relationship has to be re-parented and re-nurtured with intentional focus this time, instead of unintentional patterns motivated by fear. The fear of not having an answer. What is it that planted this belief that you must have an answer, as the parent? There are no real correct answers. Everyone has their own answer anyway, don’t they?
You have the power to stand on the cross bridge, choosing to see through the eyes of both realities that are existing side by side. Both are real. The more grounded and comfortable you become with intentionally standing on that cross bridge, the more spiritually aligned you will become. I am in no way claiming this is easy, especially when we are surrounded by a society that believes you have to “make a decision” or pick a side to fight against to even be considered in the running for being acknowledged as someone “reliable” by human standards. However, in making that commitment to stand firmly on that bridge that needs no correct answer or justification, you open the gateway to allowing more cross bridges to become revealed to you and perhaps, to others. The endless cross bridges that have always been there but you had yet to notice. Until now. Where you place your energy and intention is where your reality will grow.
Your human ego and your spirit (your children) may not choose to walk along the cross bridge you currently stand on. They both have their own perceptions of reality at this point, their own opinions and their own defenses. They don’t know that they are one in the same. Rightfully so, based on their prior unintentional upbringing.
But perhaps they will meet on another bridge, which you have the power to bring into existence with purpose which could become the bridge that reflects the truth. The truth that will only become revealed when both sides choose to step back and reassess at the same time. The truth that will only become revealed when both children choose to look directly into each other’s eyes on the same bridge. It is then that the revelation will come that your human ego and spirit are on the same team. Contradictorily, we are all on that same team. Take that realization a step even further. Flip it. There are no teams.
Sending you infinite love and light along your journey. <3