Spiritual Ascension Mentorship

What’s Included

Weekly 1 ➵ on ➵ 1 Virtual Sessions

➵ 45-minute weekly sessions

➵ Select Your Mentorship Journey:

❍ 1 Month Commitment (4 Sessions)

❍ 2 Month Commitment (8 Sessions)

❍ 3 Month Commitment (12 Sessions)

Soul-Specific Expansion Topics

➵ Meditation Tools and Practices

➵ Tuning into Intuition

➵ Auras, Energy and Subtle Bodies

➵ Empath Restoration

➵ Becoming the Loving Observer

➵ Uncovering Your Unique Gifts

➵ Living with Compassion and Detachment

➵ The Chakra System

➵ Shadow Work

➵ The Power of Breathwork

➵ Crystals and Crystal Grids

➵ Connecting with your Spirit Guides

➵ Mindfulness Practices

➵ Living Yoga

➵ …. and more!

Personalized Ascension Assignments

➵ Weekly Soul-Specific Assignments

❍ Continue to grow a deeper understanding of the expansion of your soul between sessions




Inner Child Healing