Spiritual Hoarding
Are your habits subconsciously blocking out divine synchronicities?
We all know somebody who society (and by “society”, I really mean you.) would consider a “hoarder”. Typically, these people are stigmatized as being inefficient, illogical and disorganized. Behind the scenes however, there is a deeper meaning behind the practice of hoarding. We all know what happens when we start saving items for the “what ifs” in life and justify their endless existence in our already-packed homes.
Save that cardboard box (we may need it later!). Don’t throw out that Tupperware (we paid for it!). But that dress is vintage (even though it doesn’t go past even one thigh!) That hand-me-down of a hand-me-down couch could be useful to our great-great grandkids someday! That missing-pieces, falling-apart-at-the-seams board game might be worth millions when the stock market crashes! (Exaggerations, but you get the point.)
Did you ever stop to think about the energetic frequency that lies behind hoarding habits? Justified “gratitude” with an attitude of “it’s mine”. Panic. Scarcity mindset. Fear of losing something. Endless grasping onto what was. An illusion of control.
All of these frequencies are activated when hoarding human, every day tangible items. Going even deeper, these tangible items could also very well be physical representations of the spiritual hoarding habits we’ve also subconsciously adopted, rooted in unhealthy attachment. How cluttered is your vibrational, spiritual house? Are you even able to open the door to allow the flow of synchronicity in? Your intention may very well be to welcome guests (synchronicities) into your home. However, they won’t be able to hear your invitation from behind that door closed shut with all that useless clutter in front of it!
Our homes are a vibrational container that can only be filled so much. If that old, shaggy rug you don’t particularly resonate with anymore is sitting there and taking up space in your everyday thoughts, there’s not much room to co-create for a new, vibrationally aligned rug to take its place, is there? (Or to manifest someone magically gifting you a free one!) It’s the same with spiritual hoarding. We grasp onto experiences, moments of bliss and expansive transcendental crossings of paths as though they are be-all-end-all. There’s a limiting belief that many of us have subconsciously adopted, believing moments of transcendence and spiritual expansion are far and few between.
As a result, we find ourselves instantly triggered to subconsciously hit the PANIC button any time we do experience a beautiful and captivating moment of synchronicity. That subtle panic completely takes us out of the expansive moment, and then we end up hoarding the lack-luster experience (comparatively speaking to what it could have been if we just relaxed into it). If you begin to observe this pattern, many of us have developed a habit of constant comparison to that exact moment. Constantly waiting for it to happen again, exactly as it had the first time. Attaching to these experiences, people and places with a deep yearning for that same feeling of synchronicity and expansion. It’s not much different from the societal habit of attempting to “capture the moment” with a photograph. We all know, there is no picture that can truly capture the essence of any moment in time because the present is always fleeting for the new presence to manifest. A photograph itself has never, and will never do the present moment justice.
The prob-llama with this approach (yes, let’s bring that inner child into this deep train of thought!) is that in constantly waiting for a re-creation of the same magical moment in time, we miss the opportunities for expansion that are right in front of us or about to step forward. We enforce the habit of attachment to what was instead of what is.
Photography by Garth Joseph @oneteamnodream
It’s almost as though we spiritually attempt to capture the nostalgic moments of divine synchronicity and lure them into a metaphorical jar, expecting the same places or faces to be the only-and-ever channels for expansion to occur. We cling to that jar that captured the moment with those faces and places and assume that since it happened with these elements involved once, it must be more likely to happen in this exact way again! (Logically speaking, it makes sense.) We create expectations of how synchronicity are going to manifest themselves again. As we are waiting on spirit to meet that expectation, we miss all of the divine synchronicities available to us in other forms. But because we’re looking in the other direction, expecting a different outcome, we end up feeling discouraged and disappointed that we’ve stepped out of the ebb and flow of the divine co-creation of life. Bummer!
This is an example of grasping. It is a grasping of attachment, stemmed out of our natural fear of the unknown. It’s the same reason we hoard birthday cards, dishes and lucky coins. It has nothing to do with the items themselves. We are attempting to capture the memory, the exchange, the feeling of an experience, knowing deep down it was but a fleeting moment in the course of time that may, or may not, ever happen again. (Activate the PANIC button!)
The reality is that this exact sacred moment of experience and transcendence will never occur again, not matter how many attempts to control its re-creation we engage in. Universal synchronicities and soul expansion experiences are meant to exist and thrive in the moment. That is their home, the present moment. Therefore, they can never be re-created to be exactly the same. Attempting to control the re-creation (instead of allowing it to continuously flow through in various form) keeps us trapped and stagnant. It means we are afraid to truly surrender to the magic that transpires throughout the universe countless times over and over again. It means we lack trust that we will be part of the co-creation process. It’s a fear of being left behind and forgotten about.
Perhaps, we lack the trust that we are worthy to be part of the creative and divine movement that is constantly ebbing and flowing. Perhaps, we are afraid we have not done enough or are not enough to “deserve” for another transcendental experience to step forward into existence.
Thus began our spiritual hoarding tendencies…
May your journey be filled with endless space in your vibrational home for divine co-creation to manifest itself over, and over again.
In Love and Light,
➵ Katherine